WARNING: This article contains mild spoilers for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.

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In a story as inclusive as Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse with Black, Asian, queer, and disabled Spider-People, it makes perfect sense for the male and female leads to be representing minorities; Miles as an Afro-Latino superhero and Gwen Stacy as a transgender woman, apparently. It’s been long speculated that Gwen Stacy is, in fact, transgender. But evidence present in Across the Spider-Verse seems to confirm those rumors, even if Sony won’t come out and say it.

Whether she is or she isn’t doesn’t impact the story that much, but it would be a nice little nod to the trans community if it were true, especially to have such a high profile superhero confirmed as a member of the LGBTQ+ minority. That would be big points for representation on Sony’s part, but we’ve yet to have any official word on the matter yet. It’s still early, though, so let’s not count out these grouchy corporations just yet.

Idk if this is crazy to say this but… I feel like Gwen might be trans… whether she actually is or isn’t, doesn’t make me mad, but if she is, I hope they shine more light on it. #SpiderVerse https://t.co/okMYetHj6C

— Keizi Cinema 💫⚡️🍿 (@KeiziTV) June 2, 2023

Some of the evidence seems to derive from Stacy’s interactions with her father, who seems in full support of Gwen’s identity, if that’s what it turns out to be. Viewers have spotted a trans flag on Gwen’s father’s jacket, as well as a “protect trans kids” poster on Stacy’s wall. So she’s either a strong ally or she’s trans herself and showing her true colors with pride. Whatever the case may be, we’re just grateful to see trans inclusivity.

It’s also worth noting that Gwen’s color scheme strongly resembles the trans colors with sharp blues, whites and pinks. This is in contrast to Miles’ reds, blues, and blacks. She’s certainly a walking trans flag, so it’s no wonder that Spider-Man fans are crafting their own headcanons. These theories didn’t exactly come out of thin air.


// spiderman across the spiderverse spoilers (minor but just in case)

God GOD i need to scream about the gwen stacy trans allegory EVERYTHING about her was a metaphor for being trans down to all of her scenes w her dad having the trans flag colors im insane im insane

— day☼ (@Daydark4k) June 2, 2023

Another user says “everything” about Stacy is “a metaphor” for the trans community, so she’s essentially a walking beacon for like-minded individuals. again, none of this is gospel, nor does it have any real foundations outside of mere rumors, but we can dream, can’t we?

Decide for yourself as Spider-Man:Across the Spider-Verse is showing in theaters now.
